Welcome to Retire Secure

Your trusted expert for Reverse Mortgages.

Let us make your retirement great!

Retire Secure has been a leading expert since 2007 in reverse loans. We are not a call center who rotates in new employees every 6 months. Our loan officers average over 20 years of experience. We are committed to being “Your Trusted Expert on Reverse Mortgages”. If you are one of our neighbors and have a question, then please give us a call for a confidential conversation.

Book a reverse mortgage consultation

Benefits of a Reverse Mortgage

  • Limited Income Verification or Credit Score Requirements

  • You Keep The Title

  • Remaining Equity goes to you or heir,

    not the bank

  • No pre-payment penalty

  • FHA-insured

  • Loan is non-recourse


  • •Tenure – equal monthly distributions as long as at least one borrower lives & continues to occupy the property as a principal residence.

    •Term – equal monthly distributions for a fix number of months selected.

    •Line of Credit – unscheduled distributions at dates and in an amount of one’s choosing.

    •Modified Tenure – combination of line of credit & scheduled fixed monthly payments.

    •Modified Term – combination of line of credit plus monthly payments for a fixed period of months.

  • With a traditional second mortgage, or a home equity line of credit, borrowers must have enough income to qualify for the loan, and then make monthly payments. A reverse mortgage works in the exact same method except there are no monthly interest payments to be paid by the borrower to the bank. With a reverse mortgage that monthly interest is simply added back to the loan balance. Whenever you sell the home you still receive any and all remaining equity. Of course one is still required to pay real estate taxes and home owner’s insurance regardless of what type of loan you have.

  • •At least one titleholder must be age 62 or over to meet the requirements for the reverse loan program.

    •The home purchased must be your principal residence.

    •The home must meet HUDs minimum property standards and be either a single-family residence, certain condominiums, or an eligible manufactured home.

    •The down payment must be from qualify sources.

    •You must complete a HUD-approved counseling section.

  • Tips for choosing a reverse mortgage lender are similar to choosing any service provider.

    1. Shop Local. Choosing a lender that is relatively close to where you live is generally a good practice. Makes it easier to travel to their location and the overall communication and the process easier.

    2. Ask Questions. Make sure you understand all fees and potential cost involved. Ask to clarify any parts of the HECM program that you may not understand fully.

    3. Ask for referrals. People in any profession, including the Reverse Loan Industry, if they have done good work for others, they can always provide you with a list of those they have helped previously.

    4. Use Google. To verify that the Reverse Mortgage Company does not have any complaints online. Simply type in the lenders name and the words “rip off report“. This is good quick check to know if they are looked at positively or negatively on the internet. If a report shows with the lenders name then beware.

    Or you could just call us: Georgia’s trusted expert for Reverse Mortgages 770-844-7200.